Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knew of an easier technique or method for creating very quick note slides to new notes in General MIDI. In old Super NES video games (and sometimes Playstation), there was a technique that composer Nobuo Uematsu used to use where he would slide one note to another without retriggering a note.
My primary music making method in the past was using a program called Impulse Tracker. There it's easy to do:
C-5 .00
D-5 GFF - this would slide C to D instantly.
As far as I know, the only way to do that in General MIDI/Cakewalk is to input the note, extend it for a length, and then convert the notes you're trying to slide to as instant pitch wheel values. I created a spreadsheet that helped me do that quickly. Impulse Tracker has the ability to output to .MID as well, and it utilizes this method. But, it's kind of rough and it's not my primary MIDI sequencer, Cakewalk is.
My question is, short of having a VST plugin that supports it (I'm tryin to use old external MIDI synth modules), is it possible to do this in cakewalk? Or, perhaps is there a CAL script that could convert the notes to pitch wheel so it doesn't have to be all done by hand? (If not, I wonder if someone would be willing to write one for me for a commission)
(I had example MP3 and MID links but my reputation isn't high enough to post links on this forum yet)
Any help or information would be appreciated. :) Thanks!