Recently I've been experimenting with various nootropics because I have some attention and focus issues and always have done (probably mild ADD, if such a thing exists). I was always a skeptic about these "smart drugs" but am finding that they actually do work. There are loads of them and they all have different effects, it's all about getting the right "stack" to work for you. Last night I took a Huperzine pill in the evening for the first time. Boy was that a mistake. ONLY take these things in the daytime. I tossed and turned for about 90 minutes unable to sleep, and these surges of terrifyingly intense focus would hit me that almost paralyzed me - I'd have to flip over to "escape" the paralysis. Then eventually when I did drop off, the "damn I can't sleep" theme persisted throughout one of the most screwed up dreams I've ever had, one of those really lucid ones full of horror that leave you traumatized in the morning. That's some powerful stuff, in my mind anyway. Took some this morning figuring it's probably the best time for it, lol. And now I do feel super focused. These things are like steroids for the brain though - no point taking them unless you plan to exercise your brain on something. Out come the PDF manuals......