Yeah, I too don't understand the problem. Cripes... I'm STILL on Manchester but working uninterrrupted (by SONAR shenanigans at least).
I'm prone to freaking out in general but I'm just not seeing how this can adversely effect my music production (at least in the foreseeable future) from what I've already been doing. I long ago accepted the fact that SONAR cannot do certain things so I figured out other options. Everything in SONAR that I do use seems to work reasonably well and I enjoy the environment for what I do (which is mostly tracking and mixing these days). Unless I've been misinformed I will be able to use SONAR (and all the updates I have not yet installed) in perpetuity. The ONLY question about that which remains is whether we will receive a permanent reg code for our product(s) when/if the servers go down... which has continuously said will be the case if it comes to that... but the servers are obviously still up sooo.
Anyhoo... maybe as I age my rage synapses have eroded to the point of "meh" but logically I don't see how this stops anyone from working with SONAR. If it DID though I would certainly find my younger self and his inner angst to launch the "old man yells at cloud" equivalent of a flaming garbage can through a Starbucks window (because does Gibson really have windows...?)
alright... I may have gotten a little sarcastic there but you get my gist...
Imagine a project in which plugins reset all of their settings not only when the project loads, but also while you work on the project. You can see screencasts of examples of some of this crap happening
And that's not all of it. I also have hidden tracks unhiding themselves every now and then (I have to go back through 150+ tracks and re-hide about 50 of them), MIDI tracks legitimately disappearing into thin air, automation envelopes disappearing into thin air, certain tracks which won't show themselves in the console no matter what I do, turning on archived synths only to find that the patch I had programmed has been screwed up, clips that snap "by" instead of snapping "to" even though Snap To is selected (and no snap offset is set for the clip), automation that goes out of sync with the trap when loop points are set, and a whole host of other oddities that don't happen to me in new or relatively small Sonar projects. It's a huge mess and a nightmare to work with (although I am making very slow progress lol). I've come to truly hate the program for its bugs.