I have recently stumbled upon a problem with Z3TA+ 2.1 that I just haven't been able to sort out. When running the VSTi version inside Sonar Producer X3e 64 bit, all of a sudden some patches run at a much slower pace than what they used to do. For instance, when selecting the very first Factory Content patch (Showcase > Italo 84 (Pb) BT), it runs at perhaps half or one third of the normal speed. The time stamp showing last update of the corresponding .fxp file is untouched, so it seems unlikely that I have changed any patch settings and mistakenly saved those modifications to disk, thus overwriting the original program file. I've restarted both Z3TA and Sonar multiple times. I've also tried to reset any possible accidental tweaking of the Z3TA default settings by selecting Program > Initialize from the Z3TA main menu, but to no avail.
However, when I invoke the stand alone 64 bit version of Z3TA+ 2.1 and select the very same patch, it runs at its normal speed. Go figure.
I haven't been able to find any thread relating to this issue. To be honest, I don't know much of Z3TA tweaking and mainly use the presets as-is. I guess the epithet Z3TA newbie would sum me up quite nicely.
Any ideas as to what has happened and how I may solve this problem?