I have been doing some evaluations on this new switch and did a gif of SPAN analyzing a simple run of G(full), Cadd9, D twice (6 chords total). The green is in phase and the red is out of phase - orange is common ground for the two. Setup for this was both pickups both wired in series, and in series with each other, which gives the least signal loss between the two (roughly 2-3dB raw). Clean recording, no FX or DI, straight into my Saffire.
This is a nice "look see" for those who have never used a phase switch. (The second Cadd9/D I dug into a little deep on the out of phase track). I normalized these curves, but since I hit the second Cadd9 a little harder, it only brought the out of phase track up by 1.4 dB... that particular hit is pretty much "apples to apples." In the gif below, the in-phase is the LEFT channel, and the out-of-phase is the RIGHT... (can see the variation at the lower right in the video).
Edit: This was why I sent the email to DiMarzio, since it doesn't "make sense" for the OOP being constructive on the higher frequencies. I am not seeing as much of a gain reduction as I am a power distribution shift. I am also getting harmonics out of phase that did not even register in phase.