hello all who have agreed to help. i will likely pvt message you all. i think i will just share a drop box folder with anyone wishing to participate. i have to say that gswitz and mettelus did an awesome job so far.
gswitz..the consensus on the two you too crack at is that there may be just a little too much sizzle on the high end but very nice otherwise. I think if you dial that down just a tad and it will be exactly the sound the artist was seeking.
mettelus- your file was also awesome. slightly different approach. Yours sounds more like the underground hip-hop sound favored by the more "conscious' type of rappers. Evidently the artist wants the exaggerated vinyl sound left in there.
I know i sound like a broken record, but i want to say thank you to all of you again. This is a prime example that solid sound principals trumps constructs like genres. I'm almost finished mixing another and would like to give Grem a shot since I think such experiences are educational for all involved and help bridge gaps.