Would not advise to get a Kia. Independent mechanic changed a timing belt for me and remarked how failed plastic was used where metal should have been. Substandard construction.
Only to document and for entertainment, this is some of what went on between Kia, Allstate insurance, police after the theft of my dream ride.
Was further screwed bad karma by the Kia dealership in Hillsboro Oregon. (NEVER buy a even cup of coffee from those bastards). When I bought the car, I lived about a hundred miles from the dealership and had concerns that I lived too far away. The sales rep was weeping tears of joy because I was 15 miles from their authorized extension maintenance facility. When the engine went south, the nearby shop said they never were a part of Kia. Lied to...
Got pissed of course and called them on this. They responded that I was a victim in the wording they told me, in the fine print legal definition of maintenance versus warranty. Maintenance can be done anywhere but for warranty, the car had to be towed back to them. Gotcha!
So screwed on that one up the creek without a paddle.
When the car was stolen and crashed, it had been garaged for a month and actually used for less than a week getting to work, adding about 20 miles of use.
The police found the car 12 miles away crunched half way through the Drift Creek Falls men's outhouse. They didn't want to get involved as soon as they knew insurance would be coming and wouldn't investigate or try to find the thieves. They told me case closed.
Allstate did a way better investigation. Found broken glass meth pipes and said with all the glass and blood, the meth heads would have checked themselves into an emergency room somewhere. Neither police or Allstate could explain how they got up enough speed in the parking lot to go through a concrete wall and cause so much damage to property and themselves.
Problem happened soon with the insurance claim on replacing a new car. The Kia was crunched up like an accordian up to the back seat. Means all the electronics were taken out on the dash.
They offered replacement cost minus $4000 because of the "honeymoon clause" What the fork is a honeymoon clause.
Since the electronic odometer was toast, they didn't accept my claim that it was only used 20 miles. They said when you get a new car, you go crazy and put thousands of miles on it. They deducted several thousand miles wear and tear per some fixed formula in cases like mine where they can't verify mileage.
I fought with them til they sent out a technician who was able to hook up and read the odometer.
Inspiring, the meth dudes had stolen the car in the night. Was found next morning demolished 12 miles away from my place. There were over 500 miles extra over the night. These guys were flying all over the place to crash next door.
Allstate charged me for their cruise and I ended up about a thousand dollars short.
My big mistake... I turned around and invested in another Kia which started to rust away in a couple months.
Don't buy a Kia, but their deception is part of the modern trend.
Helping out a little old lady neighbor with her 3 year old Mazda 2. Battery dead and needing replacement. Just had her tires replaced. 3000 miles on them and all four splitting apart in the tread. She called AAA before me to get it jump started and the tech was telling about the dismal state of factory installed parts. Car looks all new off the showroom floor. Built with garbage parts that they know they have about 3 years before the angry phone calls start.
Think I'm going to get me a horse, maybe a skateboard.