I thought I understood the principle of the K metering system (I use the more conventional Peak/RMS type metering), but recently I've been reading some stuff which makes no sense to me whatsoever.
The stuff in question talks about calibrating your monitors such that a specific SPL level is achieved when running specific test tones through your system.
Eh? I cannot understand how the output level of your monitors has any bearing on the level of signal being monitored by a master bus K-system meter in a DAW. So let's say I've configured my system like this, but then:
a) Move slightly further away from the monitors
b) Put in some earplugs
c) Turn the monitors down (or up)
d) Use some headphones instead
...etc. How does any of these actions invalidate (or affect in any way) the metering which is occurring inside the DAW?
Quite frankly, I am left completely baffled by this requirement. Perhaps it isn't really one?