Benjamin Hollard
I'm guessing there's some humour / history in that reply. Would love to hear more.
It's a long roller-coaster ride of a tale centred around depression, repression, medication, monstrous egos, charlatans, power-crazed bimbo humanoids and schizophrenia.
Oh and some bloke called Alex, who was probably known by his teachers at school as a difficult child and by his peers as that weirdo who does mean things to cats.
I'd love to tell you more, but I can't yet because I'm writing a book about it, but fear not I will be here to plug it as soon as it's finished and sell it to as many of you suckers here as I can.
Err, I mean...I love you all and I do it all purely out of the kindess of my heart, which I value at being worth about $16.95 to you good people. It would be more if I didn't love you all. You know that, right?