Fast forward out of the late 60's druggy clichés...
The greatest creative minds of all time often speak of genius and creativity in very down to earth terms, and examine it in a very rational, even mathematical light.
JS Bach used to say that anyone who'd put in as much effort as he did would arrive to similar results. Whether we agree or not with this is NOT the point here. (I personally don't).
They also often avoid mystical non-sense.
Though the tendency to fall into mysticism is often seen as relative to creativity, and though many artists do indeed suffer from that shortcoming, it is but a shortcoming, not a prerequisite.
It is also a cliché, and one dearest to people who fail to mature past a certain point and who prefer to avoid stepping out of this very comfortable state of confusion and move on to the next step.
True self-expolraion and self-knowledge - which are essential if you want to truly express something - should leave no room for such a confused blend of half truths, myths, and other superstitions.
Those are in no way essential to creativity and arts except to those who lack the intellectual discipline and are satisfied w/ remaining a cliché themselves.
That doesn't mean that you don't acknowledge stuff beyond the limits of your comprehension, but simply that you don't fall for pseudo-science and fairy tales and dwell in that confused state.
The advice they give will denotes their lack of hold on anything - nothing but vague formulas and clichés, which in themselves, show how little grasp they have on anything.
Hmm I have three degrees (almost submission ready for Honours), I must be doing something right. I fear it is the blue-collar worker vs the thinker/artist problem we have here. Sure, there is a level of creativity in all and it can be tapped into...I named it creative craftsmanship. It's the hard slog type and not easy to tap into. You can possibly teach it, via the usual wishy washy channels: meditation, perseverance and positive thinking.
What I was talking about is not pseudo mysticism, nor 60's drug addled meanderings. I in fact said, that it was bollocks to think by taking x or y it was going to increase creativity. At best substances like marijuana will block out the internal dialogue and make it easier to concentrate.
I also gave examples of how creativity strikes and you should listen i.e. seeing how the colours come through the window at different times of the day and using this as inspiration. Also you should look, hear and feel. How can this not be good advice to budding creatives??
I think Rain, you are a poor scholar who likes to cherry pick peoples ideas and arguments to back up your own spurious assertions. I perhaps, was saying to the OP, creativity is not something which can be taken lightly...it is a path and a way of existence. Choose it wisely. And to use the analogy of 60's drug addled musician's, they choose the path and they got lost. I would also be cognisant of accusing me of being drug addled too, I have been diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's, so hence...maybe I muse and wander from the topic but that is what artists do. The technicians get frustrated with this. Yes I am stimulant medication for ADHD but it only acts as a filter not as muse, catalyst or key. I can work for hours and hours and hours, far more than a mortal man...these days.
I would also be aware of the many studies done on creativity, ADHD and Aspergers here is a small sample of some of the readings I have done:
http://ezinearticles.com/?Aspergers-and-Genius-Share-Same-Characteristics&id=1020152http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/3353548/Hunting-the-genes-of-genius.htmlhttp://www.autismtoday.com/library-back/Einstein,%20Newton,%20Mozart%20achieved%20genius%20through%20autism.htmlhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8496955.stmhttp://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26925271http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2044646.stmhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3091391/http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/8681.htmlWhat you are doing Rain, is tantamount, to bullying the odd one out in the school yard...fortunately I can stand up for myself and fight back...with facts.
Finally you mention Bach, well I've been doing what I have been doing for 28 years, I think it is long enough to have a grasp on the topic of music...in general, I've also done art history, general history and various other topics. When you don't get caught in the trap of human (note human not humanity) foibles and crap, it leaves time for scholarly pursuits. As for the assertion I don't leave my comfort zone, I can equally throw this broad and unproved assertion back at you. I on the other hand, have dabbled in popular music, western art music, video art, photography, painting, drawing, poetry. I play various instruments, I have had music that I have written and performed used on TV...not once...not twice but three times...actually four times and three songs. It is quite surreal to hear oneself on TV. I have also completed (submission pending) three degrees, I also have enough subjects for 1st year on a 4th one, with subjects as broad as The Fall of The Roman Republic, Philosophy, Film Studies, Photography and Electronic Media.
So I ask who has left their comfort zone? "with no direction home, like a complete unknown"..."you can never go home anymore" and who would you trust to give an appraisal of creativity, some blue collar worker or a scholar? Sure most scholars are less flashy, less megalomaniacal, less assured, shrinking daisy's or violets. And yes you are correct, the ones who scream the loudest about "genius", scholars and philosophers know the least but just maybe, just maybe the universe (mystical mumbo jumbo) has thrown humanity a curve ball. Maybe there are many like me and have been many like me.
"But you've been told many times before
Messiahs pointed to the door
And no one had the guts to leave the temple" Pete Townsend.
But sharks who can yell at the top of their voice's are the order of the day, the world we live in is filled with scared apathetic sheep, who follow the rules and play the pipe to which the rest follow. So perhaps Rain you should come out and play.
Ok now for the whole, you need help...blah, you've got serious issues...yea well tell that to my highly qualified shrink...just because I don't see the world like you doesn't mean I don't see.
Sorry to the OP, I just thought you should experience true creativity, and possibly the perils and pitfalls. Honestly just listen to the hum of the universe and you will be able to create.