There was some serious mojo (like grandpa mojo) that went through here, with the new synths AND with
Project 5. (parenthetical to chad and brock: as much as I was awed by Rapture's power, I was floored the first time I went through Universal 120's presets. A supernova indeed.) Sigh.
Paul P., it's a bittersweet story that you read, ripe with promise and then--well....
If only cake had commissioned a few more quality demo tracks, in the vein of "taboo style", to really show off their synths. (They still could. Independently, I offered one to all users back during 8.0/8.5. I suspect most takers found they couldn't even load the 50-synth-track project.) I think there was a contest? Was there Paul? (I am feint-at-heart and dare not to read back through the tomes as do you, Paul-with-the-stalwart-heart.) A celebrity endorsement would have helped. Camel Audio got B.T. (Or is it BT, no periods? I know, today it's "who's BT?" But then, regrettably, it's also who's Camel Audio? Rapture and Dim Pro are still standing, albeit as bullet points.)
Audio, Midi, Synths. It's as if CW could only pick two out of three to promote.
(By the way, I see René has recently resurfaced.)