Thanks Chad,
I plan on creating an index to all the interesting things I've come across. Overall, at least in the three years I've done so far, there are really few posts that aren't interesting. I have jumped over the threads that dealt with specific issues, installation problems, etc.
When I first started this I just bookmarked the interesting threads into various categories (SFZ, the different synths, general techniques, etc.). I then started to worry that the threads might disappear at some point (like you did !) so I started saving the actual text. This is slower as I copy each thread into a word document. I'm going to have to create a master list of links and some system to match them to the word documents.
The message links were changed a little while ago which means you can no longer just click on a link to a forum message that you come across say in a 2006 thread. You have to take the message number insert it into a FindPost address, gotten through (permalink). That part is a pain. (maybe a job for AutoHotkey, now that I think of it)
What I'd really like is a monster download of the entire Forum contents