Where there's a Matron there is a Steve that closely follows.. Being careful not to comment on posts that may get edited afterwards (Cakewalk and hosts loved ignoring datestamps and screenshots when the narrative suited them, but that was long ago eh Matron!).
All in the past my friend. But one thing I can assure you, just as I am not you, I also am not Straummy.
I don't know what it was about the post that got deleted in the loopy thread upstairs last night, but I saved a copy of your post and reposted it here, alas it was also deleted, as I said in my post that got deleted, all you did was state the facts concerning the thread to that time, (
with a couple of not unreasonable assumptions with regards to the 'ad') apart from calling someone a fanboy . . . still, seems a bit heavey handed. unless of course it's because of your comments about the 'ad' etc. Power lol