Social media is bad for society, I'm convinced. I kind of fall in line with Jordan Peterson on the matter, but I'm a little more convinced than he is.
I don't much about others' experiences with Cakewalk, but I do have a sentimental connection with the DAW. I think it's because when I first got Cakewalk 2 decades ago ( or more...f*&k I'm old ) it was just such a recording liberation. I had been using Tascam 4 track recorders and this computer based recording thing was a whole new thing to me, and to the musicians I played with. I had to use this forum to figure anything out because no one knew anything about this stuff.
It blew my whole music world wide open. Suddenly, all of these songs in my head, over all those years, could be fully realized. MIDI provided all the instruments I couldn't afford and couldn't play and I could layer the hell out of these songs and really show people what was going on in my head. It was so gratifying and ate up all my time for the next 20 years.
I never ventured out enough to even really discover there were other DAWs. I thought Pro Tools was for Mac, and Cakewalk was for PC. I thought Cubase was a Johnny come lately. I was in a little cocoon and had no idea. But, it was ok really, because it did everything I needed and I would have never switched anyway. Didn't need to.
Anyways...I'm sure that's NOT why others are fanboys of Cakewalk, but it's certainly why I'm sentimental about it and hate that its dead.