1. Do you use the waveform preview feature?
C. I use this feature often
2. Do you use this on buses or instrument tracks?
A. Bus waveform preview (always on the MASTER bus.)
B. Instrument track waveform preview
3. Waveform preview allows you to display historical peak markers on the timeline. Do you use this feature?
D. I use it occasionally
4. When do you use this feature in your production?
Mixing and mastering both
Please fix the legends for the waveform preview. They currently do not align. The '0' legend is never aligned with the wavefrom preview baseline. It gets worse when the track is zoomed.
I had a request ticket for this but it disappeared.
It would also be nice for the automation track legends to be 0-9 or 0%-100%. This would help drawing or editing automation by hand. (I don't remember what automation legends are now since I find the general mis-alignment annoying and disable them and I am not in the studio now to look).