OLD:Back in the day the majority of my mixing consisted of 8 fingers and 2 thumbs.
I rode 16 track faders, buses, FX sends, exc with just my 2 hands. Okay sometimes I had help. But for the most part, the
old way I mixed was a one shot/one off. And more often than not were great.
NEW:Now in todays times, just like most people I take advantage of every
new option that's thrown at me (most of them anyway).
Which leads me in to the segue of this topic: "Automation".
Im sure many of you are perfectionists like myself, not that I consider that a gift.. Its more like attention deficit disorder.
I tend to needle to death my mixes, squeeze every last perfect decibel out of them.
EQUALS:Recently I was in a rush and had to do a very quick mix. I did it much the way I used to it with my hands on the control surface faders using no automation. And guess what ?
It sounded lively and spontaneous. I quickly felt this sinking disgust: IE- I've been wasting my time feeling.
I've spent 8 hours mixing a 3 minute song but now all of a sudden I feel like I could probably get
equal results in 2 hours or less. Most of that time spent on EQ and Compression.