A hybrid midi / staff (staff roll? midistaff? hybrid?) to allow editing of midi notes without "note heads" but with vertical spacing along a traditional "staff". For those who are familiar with notation, this is a much better method, as you do not have to use the left side "piano" image and shaded lines to know where you are: the note value is immediately known by its staff vertical position.
Visual examples (crude) shown below. There could possibly be a way to turn on/off the actual staff note heads, but this would allow easy editing in horizontal (time) on the raw data) but also tie it to the notes.
I believe "Notion" has something along this line where the note duration in staff view can be optionally edited like a midi piano roll note, but I think this would be a first for any daw to allow very easy and slick way to combine midi editing with staff spacing.
Amiga "Bars and Pipes"
Buchla Music (from 70s? 80s?)