I have problems with CPU Conservation Mode. I use other software that uses Break button as global Windows shortcut. It is maybe only one button that could be used such way. And sometimes when I start Sonar it is already in CPU Conservation Mode, I don't know why. The third-party application is set to exclude Sonar, but it works such way that Break doesn't work in Sonar. So I find myself in CPU Conservation Mode, and can't switch it off. So I go to third-party application, exit it, disable CPU Conservation Mode, and have to remember to start third-party application later.
I did some research, made heavily loaded project and tried to figure out if CPU Conservation Mode does something useful. And what? Nothing! It really does nothing with CPU power (at least on my PC). The project's sound starts glitching and dropout occurs exactly the same with or without CPU Conservation Mode. So why is it exist at all? This completely harmful function could be easily eliminated.
If I'm wrong, and on some setups it could be really useful, and there is at least few people who use it, it should remain, but there is absolutely must be an option to completely disable this function, and this option should be enabled by default.