Hello, I just recently bought Z3ta +2 and I have never in my life even dealt with anything like this. I am currently trying to recreate this theme "The Forest Temple" from Ocarina of Time. (Won't let me put a link because of spam protection(?) Anyway, if you are familiar with it or wish to be just search it up on YouTube.
I was wondering if anybody could let me know if making the rattle-like noise that loops through out the whole tune is possible, by making it sound if not exactly but very close at it sounds in the video using Z3ta +2.
My reason for buying something I have absolutely no clue what I am doing is because I wanted to gain a new hobby and skill. The reason I chose this theme is because it's one of my favorites. If anybody could answer my curiosities or give a new guy a tip towards completing what I chose to be my first task with music making please let me know!
Thanks you very much!
PS If this is in the wrong section I apologize.