I don't use anti-virus stuff - not on my work machine programming - absolutely not on daw machine.
#1. 4 years ago I started using internet usb stick kind of modem, and had this hang of taskbar for a couple of minutes in between activating internet. Thought it might be virus.
I tested a range of the most common antivirus, Norton, Kapersky, McAfee, AVG, Avira, PCTools and still one or two. Without exception these softwares caused more problems than my thought of virus. Machines were slow responding and made my machine perform like my first PC 1985 - 10MHz something. Tried all kinds of settings to disable stuff - but they still intervened more than I wanted. Some had serious bugs too, suddenly hanging the app running(AVG if some internet url parsing was active). Ran these for the trial period or shorter then uninstalled.
Looking further into my issue, turning off just about all software that were claiming internet looking for updates - it was basically not a problem anymore. Windows Automatic update service disabled, Flash player, Adobe Acrobat etc - turned off - and this hanging changed from every time booting up, to a couple of times a week only. So it's just something with how this usb stick drivers were hooking into tcp/ip.
Now switching to wireless broadband as separate router through wired network card - never any problems with this.
So still not running any antivirus.
#2. 15 years ago I think I got some kind of virus - browser and activeX controls something. I suddenly had some issue visiting a site. I had at the time two identical Windows NT 4 machines, and identified a file in system32 folder and copied from the other machine - and it went away and worked normally again.
So I took the chance to send the failing file to a couple of antivirus software companies - a report of possibly unknown virus. None showed any interest to investigate this at all.
This leads to same conclusion as OP - antivirus companies create these viruses because it's good for business.
So for me two good reasons not consider running antivirus software. It's basically a scam based on a problem that do exist - but is really minor compared to what antivirus software do to your system. Just some basic care when clicking on things - and you are fine. Easiest way to control people and make them your slave - scare them. That is basically what antivirus companies do - make you pay annually(most of them). Since a payed service must be better than free, right? I don't know, just my view of it all....