Hey Guys,
This is my first post. I've used Sonar since v2 XL. Every update has made Sonar and my productions so much better. I especially love the Step Sequencer 2.0 and use it in almost every project now. I can't wait for see what they do with SS 3.0.
1. I like this idea, it also bugged me at first. But, I then realized (and really like) that when switching between SS clips. The same row is already expanded for me, ready for review/edit. I make a lot of variations of SS clips in my drum loops, with slightly different patterns for verses/chorus/bridges and I find this feature very useful when I need to make changes across all the clips (which is also related to #2 - see below). I would hate to see this feature disappear to add multiple expanded views. Would be nice to have both thou.
2. Maybe I'm confused. But I use solo and mute on rows everyday in Step Sequencer. Especially in my variation clips where I want to solo a snare or mute a kick layer (for example).
You can see the "m" and "s" to the right of the note value:
And, I even remember using these in the original Step Sequencer 1.0 (although they were stacked on top each other and much smaller)