That is good news Noel... I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your dedicated effort here. I purchased the new version of Sonar Professional and am looking forward to an update for it that includes this fix... I am working on a 72 channel algorithm and am anxious to test it. :)
While I have you here I would like to mention that Sonar is rather inefficient, regarding workflow, in the way it responds to a multi-channel import. I have to select track 1 and then import. When Sonar imports it it creates, for instance, 8 new tracks above what was previously track one. I then have to drag those tracks down to the correct track and then go up an select the new track 1 folder and all of its tracks and delete them. It would be nice if, when I import a multi-channel file, I could select the first track that the first channel of the file will begin on. For instance, I could select track 1 and then import the file and it would be on track one through how ever many channels it contains... for instance 8. This is difficult to describe in writing... Do you get what I am saying?
Thanks tons again Noel...