You might also want to look at downloading the free Kontakt Player, from Native Instruments, or Reaktor Player .
They both come with a very small subset of sounds from their full-version bigger brothers, but for free they are not bad at all, and you might find some decent sounds there.
The full version of Kontakt is highly regarded as one of the best sample players on the market, and the free Kontakt Player's included sounds are nice. The same holds true for the Reaktor Player, though it is not really orchestral in nature - it still might have some sounds you could use.
Here is a link to their free players: And, there are other synth components included with Sonar, that might help you with your class projects - which ones you get varies with the different flavors of Sonar - Producer having the most. TTS-1, Rapture, SI-Strings, etc.
I hope the above helps you with your goals,
Bob Bone