There's laws for this?
I have probably been breaking them... just saying.
I record and work mainly with mono tracks. The only stereo tracks I work with come out of the black box that way. Only a few are like that though.
In my mix, I simply work to achieve a balance of sound. I'll record 2 nearly identical acoustic tracks for example and pan them 100% opposite. It gives a wide image to the mix. I generally place them low in the mix so that the width they impart is more ambiance than in your face wide.
What I do on one side, I try to balance on the other. If I have piano on the right I place a guitar or something on the left at the same distance. Much of the panning is closer to center than 100% one direction of the other. I also layer the panning.... there might be something at 100% something else at 50% and something else at 20%.
Layered vox also get the wide treatment as do harmonies..... but always balanced.
I hope that's what you're discussing.