Thanks Jeff. That's the one.
I went there last year and got a mix project. It was by The Brew, and I started working with that. It really taught me how to step back and mix instead of constantly "creating." IOW, quit being a song writer/guitar player and just mix the dang thing.
Because my first instinct was to add some guitar parts, junk the keyboard part altogether and redo that. And while I was at it I could definitely add to the drums section too!!
Yep I was going to make it mine!!
Then I realized I had no idea what the original artists were going for. I had the mp3, but I didn't listen to it. So I took the stance of I have to make this stand on it's on. And then the real learning process started.
I just listened to the mix of the song for the first time on the Telefunken site and I couldn't believe how close I came to what they were going for!
Anyway, if anyone is reading this and wants to try to work with some stuff "in the raw" so to speak, this might be something you want to try out. I spent a lot of time on this one project, but learned more from that one song than all my own stuff put together. It was just really an eye opener.
Thanks again Jeff.