Hello, Thanks for taking time to view and most possibly help out with this.
I have a Asus Deluxe Quad motherboard equipped with Thunderbolt.
I have most probably misread the manual on setup.
I need to know if, Columns vertically share, or horizontal lines of each Letter share.
here are some pictures from the manual
I think I need to first move my video card off the Column A, to stop sharing with Thunderbolt 2 and other things.
Then I want to put in a UAD solo Pcie 1x card.
I have turn off wi fi, and blue tooth, and realtec nic.
I still use the Intel nic.
ASmedia is also used...On board Sata3 first four ports brown 6gps.(for boot, and ssd caching)
And also Intel Sata 3 6 ports 6gps white.
So with this in mind, what would be the best setup to put in that 1x card, and what slots...or things moved (only ati video 5770 so far)
I use the thundebolt with my audio solution for firewire audio..allen and heath r16s (joined or paired)
Thanks all for any input and out put....any questions or more info is available upon request......
Sir Les