Someone in a thread here mentioned .rx2 file "metadata".
How can you edit that metadata within a ".rx2" file
And if it is just better bouncing the .rx2 file into native cakewalk wave format what editor would be best for taking the beat slices and manipulating them? i.e. pitch, formant, timing etc...
thanks for any help here.
Please mention all possible on-board X3 wave editors.
Can matrix be used here on a per slice basis?
Can rex metadata be changed within cakewalk
If i were going to load sample slices into an instrument and automate them which instrument would you recommend?
Edit waves right in the track view?
or is there a wave editing instrument plugin that will augment this wave editing process?
How about playing wave slices on a midi controller?
How do you best automate that process?
In the track view again?
Maybe used dimension and load all the slices?
Should I install reason?
What part of Reason edits waves?
What is really the best wave manipulation and automation plugin/pitch timing midi control? I keep coming back to matrix and thinking i need to learn to use matrix. It seems so confusing.
editing groove clips and automating them
I see matrix within matrix
Do .wav loops have metadata too?
Any tips or suggestions?