After purchasing the Bundle last night (MC6 + 19 instrument packs), I will honestly say that my expectations and reactions are mixed.
does come in separate components, but so do all 19 the Instrument packs...19 compressed folders. I should've guessed this would be a conveluded mess of sorts, all installing separately into my Control Panel Add/Remove list.
Call me a control freak, but I guess this does trigger my OCD a bit. I did initially have to spend about fifteen minutes extracting all the install files and putting them together in one folder. The install didn't take long, but I do wish I could methodically just take my entire SoundCenter instruments folder and back it up just the way it is for next time.
In addition, when browsing my SoundCenter library, this may be a tremendous amount of work merely choosing one instrument for a particular type of track. Previously, I had my core SoundCenter library, TTS, Roland GrooveSynth and DropZone. Now I have 10 times the library, but I shall learn to take it as a benefit, a convenience and a blessing...and not a burden. It will just take some getting used to.