Well here's a free way to learn.
Listen, listen and listen to the music that inspires you. Listen to those sections that you would like to recreate. Start by observing what's going on using descriptive analysis. There are many things you could observe but here are a couple of questions that could get you started.
What are the elements that make up the arrangement?
What is going on rhythmically, melodically, harmonically in the different sections?
Just write down anything and everything you observe.
Another thing you could do is take 5 songs and just try to copy them as closely as possible. If you do this enough times, you will start to get a handle of what is going on. This is probably one of the ways you can learn how to do what you want to do. Copy the rhythm section, the melodies, the harmonies, the FX as closely as you can. Once you've worked on it enough, try it with another track. That would probably be the best way to learn.