Hey guys,
I am about to buy EW Complete Composers Collection 3 (
http://www.soundsonline.com/CCC3-GOLD-EDU) along with one optional library.
I was thinking I would get a 240 GB SSD for about $150 but just realized that these libraries alone are more than 240 GB (and I was hoping to move a couple of other libraries off my antiquated hard drives).
To stay within my budget I think I'll need to go with a 7200 rpm platter drive.
I've read here in the forums that people like the Western Digital Black...I'm thinking that one of these (maybe 2 since it would be in my budget)...do you guys concur or any suggestions?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236625For anyone looking at my specs in my signature...just so's you know I'll be adding 2 more 8 GB sticks to my current 16 GB RAM.
Thanks very much,