Now that I've a handle on my cymbal problem, I would like to know how people treat spill between drum mics.
At this stage I am setting up an OH, snare, rack tom, floor tom and kick mics, and while I've managed to get decent overall tracks, on listening to individual tracks there is a lot of spill between adjacent mics.
I know that some spill is inevitable, but I think I'm hearing to much kick in the snare mic, and too much snare in the kick mic. I'm not too concerned about too much spill in the tom mics, as the toms are hit only occasionally, the gap between hits can be edited. But editing is more difficult in the snare and kick tracks as kick and snare are busyer and cymbals overlap at times. I suppose mic orientation could help, but this is limited by the proximity of the drums.
I have tried using the gate in the Pro Console with some success but don't feel confident with it as I think it affects the sound. Also that begs the question, should the gate be on the way in, or after recording, like I have done?
So, how do you pros handle spill, or am I worrying too much about it?