Jeez, it took me quite of bit of trouble to learn how to do basic things. I need all the help I can get. I'm pretty much to the point where I can record a few tracks using the stock loops and throw some vocals over it. I know how to add effects, but have yet to figure out how to record the synths onto the track they're dedicated to.
Anyways, I'm a songwriter who wants to start crafting my dreams into reality. I have heard DAWs are the tools to realize dreams. From what I've been learning, it's very much true. If I understood what HALF the knobs do, I'd be satisfied lol. I also want do start doing basic mixing to create mash ups and renditions of songs i love.
I'll take all the help I can get.
Should I get a midi controller before my audio interface? Since I'm lacking most of what I need to record vocals (including talent) I could start laying down the custom tracks and really get into mastering said tracks while I continue to write.
How do I snip custom times of a track? I'd like to be precise if i could.
Tell me of your difficulties the first time you used a DAW. Since I'm not learning it formally nor do I have any friends to teach me, I need all the help I can get. Thanks!