Transferring a branch of a topic that had been under the Deals forum.
Geist is one of my most used VST's...
But there are two other arrangement techniques Geist facilitates that I have yet to delve into - one is dragging patterns from Geist into a MIDI track in the host, the other is the "scenes" feature. I love the idea of dragging patterns into Sonar, but I'm not sure how ...
Since I like the idea of working in Sonar Platinum to do my arrangements, I want to access some bits from Geist without trying to use Geist as my arranging tool.
I experimented with it and so far have found the following to work.
1. drag from the selected pattern key onto a corresponding Geist MIDI track in Sonar at your desired spot in the timeline.
2. When playing Sonar at that point (at least what I'm experiencing so far), Geist just gets going as soon as you hit the space bar.
3. To turn off Geist, and hear it only at the point you dragged the MIDI clip to, select a different pattern key in Geist, presumably one that has no pattern on it.
4. Result is that Sonar does its thing, and when the timeline gets to the part where the Geist MIDI clip is waiting, as expected, Geist kicks in and plays exactly that pattern.
5. Seems like this would work fine for mixing and matching different things that I would want to grab from different patterns I come up with in Geist, and put them into one or more Geist MIDI tracks as desired. Probably ultimately freeze the Geist instance once the stuff is essentially settled to save on unnecessary CPU, unless editing it further.
I'm a rookie at Geist, but that's what I've come up with so far.