This request all centers around the idea I have that lyric view is at best buggy and secondly difficult to work with.
My last experience with lyric view was simply terrible. I worked for hours and whether i had one hyphen or one midi note extra it simply blew up the whole applet. Do not get me wrong I absolutely love Platinum!
I make music like first I put in the chords (in the markers) but I like also to see how the chords line up "exactly" with the lyrics.
I assume lyric view has been worked on since my last experience with it in X3.
I wrote an email to Cakewalk requesting a second ruler with markers and I have been looking for my request to be answered and have seen no app changes toward that effect yet.
Maybe my email was lost in all of the various company departments or my idea was rejected for more pressing issues.
I am hoping that you will reconsider my request.
Up where the ruler exists there is a problem with markers from my perspective.
I want two maybe even perhaps three layers of markers.
Considering that lyric view is buggy and hard to work with I have always instead just put my lyrics up in the markers.
I use one marker for each phrase of a lyric and zoom in a bit.
Then I can sing to the song. The problem which I stated in my email also is that I like to have my song chords in the markers too.
Well you cannot have two marker types occupying the same ruler or one overlays the other. So I will either see my chord or the lyric.
It seems that having the ability to add another marker layer is better (if one person is singing and playing simultaneously) then having the chords and lyrics in totally different counter intuitive windows.
Could you please add the ability to have at least a second layer maybe above the ruler with markers also? I notice you can add other rulers but they do not allow a separate marker set. :)
I hope I explained this well enough.
Other cakewalk users please provide input as to whether you think this would be a good feature.
Also, if you have not improved on lyrics view I hope you would.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
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