I'm currently working my way through Simon Cann's Cakewalk Synthesizers book and have encountered something odd. In Frank Genus's SlapBack EP patch for Rapture, the amp envelopes for all three elements end with this last node :

If I hit 'N' to switch to a 'non-natural' curve,
without adjusting the curve itself, things become :
I can drag the curve so it resembles the natural (blue) one but that's not the issue here. I can also drag the blue natural curve up and make it worse, the level still shows as 0 up above :

I built this patch following Frank's instructions in the book and ended up with a similar patch, but when compared to Frank's final version I noticed that his could easily reach 20+ layers when doing some arps on my keyboard, whereas mine was hard pressed to go over 12.
After hours of comparing every detail of the two patches, I've come to the conclusion that the reason is the above mentioned oddity. Without the dangling curve (by dragging it down or hitting N) Frank's layers drop by half.
So is this just a bug ? The node has an indicated level of zero even though the curve does not go to zero. My real interest in this is why the layers are more or less doubled, when the envelope time is not extended, at least not apparently.