I ran the Windows memory test as startabartfast posted. I ran 2x and reported no issues.
Just now I opened it, re seated the RAM, unplugged the front USB 3.0 to Mobo cable which isn't working anyway? and on start got blue screen. The LED fires off a million numbers and I took note of as many as I could read, last 2 are slower and A2 then it stays at A0. Both these are IDE related and as far as I can tell are not issues but just reporting it has initialized.
Memory error would be 50-55, which I don't see after watching a few re boots.
There is always the one beep.
I re booted a dozen times and the pattern seems to be that every second boot is OK.
I was using the Mobo on /off button inside.
Note that when it boots , it boots super fast and there seems to be absolutely no issues at all. It's working as expected.
I guess because I have 4 sticks of RAM, I could now try removing in pairs.
So far the history is:
Initial build only 2 sticks of 4 Gig DDR3 1600 RAM
Single beep from first boot up.
Machine performed as expected and installed Widows 8.1 to new SSD drive.
Beep continued, LED always shows A0 after boot.
Machine was re booted dozens of times without issues while running updates etc.
First Blue screen was once it was placed in studio.
So I unplugged all usb devices and the second monitor too.
I checked all connections inside including the RAM.
Reading the single beep was memory, I double checked memory channel placement and decided I'd order 2 more sticks of Identical RAM.
This did not change the behavior so therefore I posted here.
I'm not in love with this Gigabyte Mobo. I'm more used to Asus boards. The instructions are terrible and there's 100 pages about overclocking and very little about the connections.
One other question, the instructions and pictures are not clear regarding SATA connections.
Other mobos I've used the connection is pointing up and clearly marked 1-2-3-4-5-6-
This stupid board the connectors are sideways and hard to get at.
There are 2 stacked marked SATA 3
then a 6 gang stack marked SATA express.
I have my OS SSD drive and the DVD drive connected to the Sata 3 pair
my 2 data drives are connected to the sata express.
Is this correct?
and I really appreciate you all taking the time to walk me through this.
I've got to get busy editing yesterdays session so no time for the dumb computer part until tonight. Thanks once again.