So I thought I'd update the Bios and I made an attempt using the instructions for the USB drive and it failed. During one of the many re boots while fussing about the Blue Screen all of a sudden has writing on it? It say's there is issues ( duh) and offered options for a OS refresh. So I followed through because at this point I see little progress towards a resolve.
It asked for my Windows 8.1 disk and after 10 minutes re booted to my log on screen. My desktop sort of looked the way I left it minus all my program short cuts. It produces a list of the software that was not retained, pretty much everything.
I proceeded to start re installing missing apps. I used all my handy updated mobo driver files which were still in the download folder. So all but the BIOS is up to date now.
I also did Classic shell so I could find stuff!
This of course involves many re boots and total shut down re starts ( my choice) .
No more blue screen ( so far)
So my conclusion is this was yet another case of the OS becoming corrupted after running windows updates. Possibly an update that does not have all it's bytes about it due to internet drop outs which I get occasionally.
But we will wait and see how thing progress as now It say's there is a whack of updates to deal with again , 65. So I set system restore at 10 Gigs for now and am setting restore points before I proceed with each major application install.
Grem the picture is not my board. I just was showing what Sata express looks like.
On my board there is a sata 3 connector marked 0 and 1 which my OS and DVD are connected to. My data drives are in what is numbered as 3 and 5 of the express sockets.
The deal is if you use the express socket it uses 2 sata ports and that little port on the left, so 3 connections. Google sata express.