Have anybody found a way to disable the stupid "slowdown graphics function" so that it's NOT attached to the pause button?

Being able to acess critical functions with one finger (not Alt-Shift-XX) is very important (especially with an instrument in your other hand) and therefore it is crucial that the keybordbuttons "realEstate" is not locked to shady functions.

As there are limited number of one-press buttons on an standard Qwerty-keybord there should not be any "fixed" functions but rather userdefinable in keybindings!

There MIGHT be people using this akward function, (it's like update your speedometer each mile...) but they are probably better of upgragrading their equipment.
Please let it be userselectable in Keybindings and not fixed as it seems right now.

Anybody know how to disable this?

(With Pause button I mean the Pause-Break button on the Qwerty-keyboard)

Even if I try to override it in keybindings, Sonar7 doesnt care and occupy not only Pause-break but also Shift, Ctrl ...


dont hit it
If it's just in the way (like my "INS" key is on my office PC), just pop it off with a screwdriver. Worked for me...
Well, If you read the post carefully it states that I dont wont to get rid of the key.

What I posted was that I dont want Sonar to lock that key to some shady function, especially when keybindings still report that "my" function is still in use.

So the new "feature" of S7 is grabbing Pause, Shift-Pause, Alt-Pause ... and instead give me a useless function.

I doubt that anybody has benefit of this function and I rather see that it would be an option, or that keybindings override it.

For us who use different International versions and dont use the american keyboard, need all the keys we could get because Sonar is still one of the few software companies who has not got support for international keyboard layouts.

(Example. I could NOT use my paragrafkey, Less-then, GT-then, "roof-sign", paragraph, a-with oumlaut, a with a ring,
o with 2 dots o.s.v.)

I haven't had the chance to work a lot with S7 so far, but I must say that the new pause key feature really, really bugs me.

My problem is that I already use the pause key to activate something in another program (this shortcut key is system wide). So every time I hit Pause (I've been using this key for a couple of years now, so it's almost a reflex), it activates the new slowdown feature of Sonar. Even worse, the pause key of Sonar is system wide. So if Sonar is minimized and I'm working in another program, the pause key still activates the slowdown feature.

I don't understand why this key can't be reconfigured via keybinding. In fact, we can see the "Pause" key in the keybinding dialog, but when I associate an action to the key (for example "File - New"), then every time I hit Pause I have the "new file" dialog AND it activates the slowdown.

Cakewalk, *please* allow us to bind this feature to another key. Or if you can't, please give us the option to turn it of via some entry in an INI file. (would be great if that would be included in a future patch ).
Susan G
Every time I see a "Pause button" mentioned, my heart leaps up!

[Sorry, ya had to be there...]

Hi Norm,

Yeah, it is a very strange "feature" they have implemented and even worse is the fact that we cant disable it (yet?)
I very much hope that they change it A.S.A.P, hopefully on the first fix-release.

I wonder i anybody has use for it at all! Then let it be available via Keybindings.

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