2011/11/19 07:47:23
Damn! I need two 10 footers.
2011/11/19 08:18:07

I thought that data packet transmissions systems such as USB corrects it's errors by requesting a replacement packet. Yes? No?


I think the answer is Yes and that there is no way for a "audiophile" USB cable to improve some portion of the audio stream or spectrum. When you read the review on the guys web page that speaks of enhanced clarity in the bass and dynamics... that's the "marketing speak" that makes people look like fools.

If there is some uncorrectable error caused by a USB cable the buffer runs dry and you get nothing.

It's go-no go... if you have a problem you are going to hear a stutter or a splat... or silence.

Schemes like the Reed Solomon system we use with CD's actually "fixe" errors with statistically likely corrections... which seems to result in nearly perfect results as well.

At least the guys trying to minimize errors on CDs have a legitimate concern in that the data is being slightly altered to the extent that the Reed Solomon scheme may not guess if it's a 0 or a 1 on rare occasions.

BTW FAX is considered secure because the manufacturers have made it is easy to use an encryption appliance. Encryption is easy in email too... but there are so many options that the FAX appliances seems easier by comparison. Also email copies linger in places where people that have the time to break encryption can easily find the email and work at leisure. None of that has much to do with error correction.

best regards,

this is correct.
while proper shielding and good solid connections and quality made wire are important, the built cable has nothing to do with error correction or handshaking.
2011/11/19 09:02:55
Even if a $3500 cable could make a difference it ends up being terminated on a few cents worth of generic, mass market components at either end.
2011/11/19 10:48:12
You guys are missing it.

Audio quality is not what drives audiophools. They are driven primarily by pretension. If something is ridiculously impractical, difficult, esoteric and (especially) super expensive, it's better.

Not because it provides better audio quality, but because they had to jump through more hoops (financial or otherwise) to get there. That's what drives them - spare no expense, bear any burden, chase down esoteric solutions that "science doesn't understand", do anything and everything possible, no matter how small or questionable the benefit.

A cheap cable that sounds identical will never be as good to them. And not because it's cheap, but because it's easy, common and generic. It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase.
2011/11/19 10:59:23
The Maillard Reaction

Roger that.

The thing I despise is that these guys leave a trail of ignorance in their wake... and they actually serve to impair progress in what ever "civilization" we might be able to recognize in our society.

I despise that and you see symptoms of that when I point out the same sort of "Market Speak" here at the forum.

I don't think it insults "my" intelligence but I do think "Market Speak" such as this robs us all of the opportunity to "get real" and appreciate the things that are actually important. It makes me feel like I am stuck in a bad dream.

all the best,

2011/11/19 11:10:19
I want 2 of these chords like Jonbouy's.
2011/11/19 13:13:08

I want 2 of these chords like Jonbouy's.


That'll be £13,000 exactly.
2011/11/19 17:08:02
Just THINK of all the 1 and 0 envy your friends will have once you get one of these cables...
2011/11/19 17:32:48

You guys are missing it.

Audio quality is not what drives audiophools. They are driven primarily by pretension. If something is ridiculously impractical, difficult, esoteric and (especially) super expensive, it's better.

Not because it provides better audio quality, but because they had to jump through more hoops (financial or otherwise) to get there. That's what drives them - spare no expense, bear any burden, chase down esoteric solutions that "science doesn't understand", do anything and everything possible, no matter how small or questionable the benefit.

A cheap cable that sounds identical will never be as good to them. And not because it's cheap, but because it's easy, common and generic. It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase.

I know.  I work with some audiophiles.  it's funny arguing with them just to get them fired up!  they get mad and defensive about their equipment.
2011/11/19 19:19:45
I often feel I'm being held back by ethics. Why do we cringe at the idea of stealing from gullible people? Is it not just natural selection in action?
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