2011/11/21 13:28:36

I always like to say, "There's a word for people who think they're too smart to be fooled by expectation bias - dumb".

I'm dumb enough not to be fooled.

....and I've been fooled enough to accept & embrace dumbness (I just don't have the money to prove it).
2011/11/21 13:32:45
I can imaging seeing some pimply-faced dweeb hooking one up to his SoundBlaster right now...
2011/11/21 13:43:28
So it works the other way, too, right? I mean, if I buy this USB cable and expect it to sound no different, then the expectation bias will kick in and I'll miss out on all the silky smooth highs and warm lows of this hi-fi cable.  Ignorance really can be bliss, if you think about it in the right context. 
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