2012/09/30 17:14:58
I only ever see a hand full of people in this part of the forum ( know there must be others who own the system and don't use the forum )
I am curious to know how many of us VS-700 owners there are ?
I will go first

1 !
2012/09/30 17:48:22
I own one set. Still use it a lot.
2012/09/30 18:10:24
I am a VS700 Owner with 2 VS700R's. Still using Sonar 8.5.3.
2012/09/30 18:11:11
Got VS700c only (to replace two BCF 2000's). Biggest single expense I ever had to this day.
2012/09/30 19:07:38

I've got it.

Use the 700c with my stationary computer
(got an RME HDSP9652 as an audio interface on that one)

and the 700r I use with my laptop

makes me no.5 in this list
2012/09/30 19:15:23
Me too.  Got the whole system. You can see it set up in the cover photo of my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ScottRGarrigus


Scott R. Garrigus - http://garrigus.com
* Author of the Cakewalk Sonar and Sony Sound Forge Power book series: http://garrigus.com/?PowerBooks
* Author of the Cakewalk Sonar ProAudioTutor video tutorial series: http://garrigus.com/?ProAudioTutor
* Publisher of the DigiFreq free music technology newsletter: http://digifreq.com/?DigiFreq
* Publisher of the NewTechReview free consumer technology newsletter: http://newtechreview.com/?NewTechReview

2012/09/30 19:48:31
I got the whole system too!
It has been awhile since I have been to this forum.
Busy at work lately, doing lots of recording with it.
2012/09/30 20:44:35
number 8 ball

reminds me that 
2012/09/30 20:48:48
  I own the set and use it quite often.
2012/09/30 20:50:30
so you're the 9 mili !!
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