2013/05/21 15:48:25
Eddie TX

Anyone still waiting for their order.
I ordered on Friday but still do not have anything. It looks as if they have to manually fulfill their orders.
I went ahead and picked up Vocal Rider while it was on sale and might use my $100 voucher and pick up Bass Rider or something else.

Any suggestions?
I have recently picked up the Maserati pack and the Maxx pack as well.

You might want to contact them -- you shouldn't have had to wait this long.  Also the usual spam folder check, etc.
Note that the Waves vouchers are good for up to 50% off bundles or 25% off single plugins.  No free lunches, I'm afraid ... but getting $100 off the current sale price of, say, the Marroquin bundle wouldn't be a bad deal.  Check plugindiscounts.com, audiodeluxe.com, jrrshop.com, and other fine establishments near you for the best prices.  Happy shopping! 
2013/05/21 17:36:42
Eddie TX


Anyone still waiting for their order.
I ordered on Friday but still do not have anything. It looks as if they have to manually fulfill their orders.
I went ahead and picked up Vocal Rider while it was on sale and might use my $100 voucher and pick up Bass Rider or something else.

Any suggestions?
I have recently picked up the Maserati pack and the Maxx pack as well.

You might want to contact them -- you shouldn't have had to wait this long.  Also the usual spam folder check, etc.
Note that the Waves vouchers are good for up to 50% off bundles or 25% off single plugins.  No free lunches, I'm afraid ... but getting $100 off the current sale price of, say, the Marroquin bundle wouldn't be a bad deal.  Check plugindiscounts.com, audiodeluxe.com, jrrshop.com, and other fine establishments near you for the best prices.  Happy shopping! 

I have tried several different ways to contact them through their Facebook page as well as from their website contact page.  Hopefully will hear something soon.  i know they probably just got hammered by the sale.

Also the Manny bundle does look interesting.
Looks like Plugin Discounts has it for $213 on sale so will my voucher make it $113 ?

2013/05/21 18:02:43
Eddie TX

Also the Manny bundle does look interesting.
Looks like Plugin Discounts has it for $213 on sale so will my voucher make it $113 ?
That's my understanding.  But please check with Tony there to make sure.  It's a nice bundle, probably the most useful and versatile of any of the Signature series.  I like the EQ and Delay modules especially.
Sorry for the off-topic content, OP!  :-)

2013/05/23 10:01:36
Simeon did you ever recieve your link for autogain? I ordered 2 days ago and have not revieved the link.
2013/05/23 10:49:41
I did after contacting Saverio through the website.
Somehow the way the mail servers are set up it gets caught in Spam somehow.
I would try contacting them as I have and see if they can get things straightened out for you.

They are manually doing all of the order fulfillment so I am sure they got swamped during the promotion.

Good guys though.
2013/05/24 08:38:05
Thanks, Simeon. I got it with a nice note from Saverio.
2013/07/09 09:23:26
Hi guys I'm resurrecting this thread just to let you know that the AutoGain is on sale for just 2 days at just 5,99€, 50% discount
go now on:
2013/07/09 21:34:49
Have any of you guys ever used this? I wouldn't mind getting a quickie review from the X2 people.
2018/12/24 23:37:56
I have several plugs from hornet and I'm trying to get the AutoGainPro and Auto Gain to be a vocal rider on some vocals to keep them all even.
Does anybody know the range that it will automate going up and down with vocals and does it only go down and not up if something is "out" of its range? Really hoping to get this thing to even out all the vocals simply. Maybe it would be easier to automate and adjust from there...
2018/12/25 17:54:07
Zombie thread! Here's what I have on using AutoGainPro...
Two Ways to Use HoRNeT's AutoGain Pro

by Swamp Ape (Reaper forum)
1. Set attack/release to 300. Set processor to rms.
2. Create a new track w/ white noise generator, route this to the plugin's 3/4 sidechain.
3. Record this, copy it to either take volume envelope or pre-fx volume envelope.
4. Mix vocals as normal, add plugins, etc.
5. After instruments are mixed, create a folder with all of them except drums/percussion, and then route this folder to the 3/4 sidechain.
6. Record this and either leave auto-gain on the track or transfer to post-fx volume envelope.

by timothys_monster (KVR and Reaper forums)
Works pretty well for me! The first time I used AutoGain was on a classical recording because the near placed cembalo mic didn't fit well in the mix. The thing is that I had to increase the volume of that mic more than the mics of the other instruments (strings). So there were a lot of balancing issues between the main stereo mics and the cembalo mic.
I tried using expanders but as I'm not that experienced in using expanders the results were rather frustrating.
So I ended up putting AutoGain on the cembalo track and fed it with the signal of the main M/S-mics. That did the job! The cembalo finally had the same dynamic response as the rest of the instruments.
With this experience in mind I upgraded to the Pro version and am really happy with my decision. I like to feed vocal tracks with a white noise and use the RMS mode with less than 6dB boost/attenuation. And it's nice to have the automation envelope written in my DAW, so I can easily adjust the behaviour afterwards.
I give it a 10/10 because the plugin actually does what the developer promises, because it's very cheap in comparison to the Waves' ones and last but not least because of the frustrating-free copy protection policy :)
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