• Copy Serial # for submitting Support Cases?
2014/10/10 13:04:01
Can we have the ability to Select/Highlight and Copy the serial number for Sonar to Paste into a Support request?
2014/10/10 13:16:53
The feature does not exist today. There is a forum dedicated for feature requests and ideas http://forum.cakewalk.com/Features-Ideas-f76.aspx This would be a better topic for that forum.
2014/10/10 13:51:19
The feature does not exist today. There is a forum dedicated for feature requests and ideas http://forum.cakewalk.com/Features-Ideas-f76.aspx This would be a better topic for that forum.

This is good advice.
Why not create a text file and place the one from your account in it then your always have easy access to it.
2014/10/10 18:23:37
I agree that the Help About dialog should support CTRL-C copy.  I just ran into this too, and was puzzled by the omission.  I wouldn't really call it a "new feature" -- its more like common sense, IMHO...
However you probably received an email from Cakewalk when you purchased Sonar that contains the SN. That is what I used when I filed a bug report.
2014/10/11 03:50:03
I think it is a deliberate omission for security reasons. I suggest you create a text file with ALL your serial numbers and unlock codes for all your software. You can put this file in a folder where you save all your confidential information. In my case I encrypt the file with a password for additional security.
2014/10/11 11:18:28
I think it is a deliberate omission for security reasons. I suggest you create a text file with ALL your serial numbers and unlock codes for all your software. You can put this file in a folder where you save all your confidential information. In my case I encrypt the file with a password for additional security.

I understand, and I do this, but lets' examine the security reason. Cisco Systems Network firewalls once didn't allow Ctrl+C copy of their serial #'s, but they do now for the exact reason I just requested. If such a prestigious security device manufacturer responded to requests for such and didn't see any reason this would be of concern, why would Cakewalk? 
I also agree this isn't the most appropriate location for such a request, but my perception is, it's the location frequently reviewed enough to get the proper attention. My impression of Feature Requests locations is that they are only read when new feature requests are sought. Thanks!
2014/10/11 11:27:01
Cisco are kings of encryption and networks... Every now and then there is a major security inciddent though lol. Pretty much all software needs manual submission of the details for support, even antivirus companies who are supposed to be big on security as well.

However all is not lost, we have noticed cakewalk merging user accounts, and if I were to place money on it, X4 or X5 will have a centralised store and a place to download updates via a control panel similar to XLN or NI. So maybe something can be done via this method and you wouldn't have to type in any details.... All methods however will require authentication and encryption whether manual or automatic. It's not the simplest thing to do.

What would be easier right now is to be able to log into cakewalk store and submit support and problem reports from there. No details would be required (just select the product you have registered).
2014/12/23 12:32:38
I found a way to cause X3 to provide your serial number in easily copyable text form for submitting support tickets.
From the X3 menu, use Help / Check for Program Updates.
This will open a new tab your browser.  Look at the URL - you will see your Serial at the very end of the string after "SN="
Use the mouse to highlight the serial number, then copy with CTRL-C. 
Go back to the support form, and paste the serial.
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