• Please Remove the Challende/Response Activation (for users who pay upfront)
2015/01/17 09:22:40
all in all, I find the new system (choose to subscribe or pay up-front) fair enough. What I really do not like is challenge/response. From what I learnt reading the forum, a machine specific code is created and each install on an new machine must be activated separately. I do not like the idea that I am dependent on Cakewalk to exist to be able to activate my software. Therefore, I would rather accept a dongle. Cakewalk's liberal copy protection system was one of the main reasons why I chose Sonar (and not, for example, Cubase). Now, that seems to have changed. Please, remove the challenge/response for users who pay up-front (just as it used to be).
cheers, drjee
2015/01/17 10:11:25
I'ts no different to how it was before
2015/01/17 10:21:21
I would tend to agree with a dependency on a company to exist to have access to something I paid for.
I would hate to buy a wedding dress and just before the big day find the store went out of business and my dress is in the wind ;)  
I know that Waves is setup that way, Ik seems the same or moving in that direction. Now that I think about it there are a few others that use this security feature.
I would like to think/hope if a company is going under they would make previsions for this scenario...
2015/01/17 10:28:24
I don't think you need to worry about cakewalk disappearing anytime soon, they gotta protect themselves somehow no? Beats a dongle imho
2015/01/17 11:08:23
I don't think you need to worry about cakewalk disappearing anytime soon, they gotta protect themselves somehow no? Beats a dongle imho

I wonder how many people thought that about Camel Audio. It appears the new EULA is more friendly. You can install it on every machine you own as long as you are not using them at the same time.
2015/01/17 11:11:56
Doesn't it send the activation code as it used to be?
2015/01/17 11:19:45
I try and avoid software that requires some sort of on line activation. I actually like my Steinberg USB elicencer. Once activated it has become the easiest software I own to move around and re install after a OS or OS drive upgrade. Sure it takes up a port, but it doesn't mind being on any port or hub. I can see it being a hassle on a laptop with 4 ports, but still a hub solves that issue. Just share with your wireless mouse etc.  
The old  two number system was my favorite style but it was not the best for them for piracy.
The new system allows them to track how many installs your using. It was said that they would not be worrying about this in general, but if one registration all of a sudden has more than a dozen activation's they would be able to investigate possible piracy or say a studio cheating on user count. 
2015/01/17 11:26:44
well, as I undertsand it from CW videos, you need to do the challenge/response thing only once. Then you may generate a key (file) and use it to activate Sonar on any number of offline machines. So keep the Sonar installation, keep the key file and you do not need Cakewalk anymore... :))
2015/01/17 11:54:10
well, as I undertsand it from CW videos, you need to do the challenge/response thing only once. Then you may generate a key (file) and use it to activate Sonar on any number of offline machines. So keep the Sonar installation, keep the key file and you do not need Cakewalk anymore... :))

There is a statement "only in case there is too many activations..." or something like that. That implies challenge/response is per computer.
I can understand why company want that. But only in case it is done well (so average hacker can not crack it within 10 minutes). But that means either second company or significant resources should be involved in such protection. And in most cases, the result is still hacked next day :/
2015/01/17 11:59:09
I would hate to buy a wedding dress and just before the big day find the store went out of business and my dress is in the wind ;)  

I'm sure you'll look smashing Dave, whatever you wear!
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