2016/09/21 04:50:55
I think it would be cool if the Track Manager was a tab on the browser. I would like it to work like layers in a program like paint.net or photoshop.
2016/09/23 15:28:51
I like that.  When you have many tracks, it would be easier to just switch to a new tab, choose what you want to see and switch back instead of going through the whole popup screen.  Adding smart-swipe to track choosing would be great too.
2016/10/05 19:28:42
This would certainly be an improvement. Especially when a track "accidentally" disappears (cause you right-clicked a track to narrow it but hit hide instead) and then spend the next 1/2 hr. figuring out what happened to it.
2016/10/06 02:02:12
good ideas, guys. like that.
2016/10/06 20:46:07
Great idea.  Add the ability to have multiple Browsers and multiple multi-docks and we're golden!
2016/10/11 08:19:02
Lord Tim
Great idea!
2016/10/11 10:42:26
+1. I don't use the browser much, but it could be more a reason to. Couple this idea with collapsible tracks in Console View and taller faders even. Low-hanging fruit to feed many.
2016/10/11 11:13:15
I think this is a great idea!
2016/10/13 18:44:38
+1 Cool idea!
2016/11/02 13:00:51
I just voted, but I guess the Browser won't be visible when you want to manage tracks in the maximized Console View if you're someone who docks the Browser above the Console view.
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