• ProjectScope for Sonar Project Files (CWPs) updated to support new Sonar project features
ProjectScope.exe (a free utility for all Sonar [Windows] users) has been updated. Version 1.3 for those keeping score. Although it has always worked with many versions of Sonar projects (covering the last decade or so up to the present), it now supports newer project features like the project image (the screenshot of the project when last saved, or the image you put into the Notes panel).
The original ProjectScope post is here so you can read about it there, but in the shell of a nut, ProjectScope shows you many of the resources inside Sonar projects without you having to load the project--so with ProjectScope you can instantly see what audio files are associated with a project, what the project Notes are, what plug-ins are used, etc. 
ProjectScope really shines with its SEARCH feature. You can find all your Sonar projects that have certain phrases in the Notes, for example, or find all the projects that use a specific audio (WAV) file. helps find CWPs and keeps them organized - updated to "Platinum Edition." When you find the project you were hunting for, double-click and it loads into that unsurpassed and feature-rich DAW we all love to use. (I am referring to Sonar, what DAW did you THINK I meant, hmmm?)
Below are updated screenshots of ProjectScope in action. As always, no installation needed, other than download it and run it. Links are the same: EXE version and Zipped EXE version. Hope you can find it useful, suggestions and comments welcome. (Be warned, though, if you comment, I WILL follow your signature links to listen to your music, so it better be good stuff! )

Thanks for sharing this, Mark.
I will put it to use on some old SONAR 2 projects to see what what they are. Used silly names on many projects that means nothing 
All the best.
Thanks! Looks very helpful...
There is a small bug in the tracks window. Using a project created this month with 2017.03 an instrument track is listed twice. Both tracks are identified as type AUDIO.
fixed in v.1.31.001
Thanks Mark.  Did not know about this app.
Tested this a little on my laptop, and seems very usable. Look forward to seeing how some of what my old projects consists of 
scook - Regarding your "double tracking" (haha, that's a feature in the audio world!), there probably _are_ two instrument tracks internally to the project, but what that means to us on the outside (and how projectscope should interpret and display that) is a topic of conjecture.  I would love to investigate. If you have the time and inclination, I would rejoice to see the project. You could strip out all the midi and audio content first, just leave the empty tracks and let me see that, assuming you are still seeing the doubled track after doing the striping-out. Let me know if you are interested in helping out, thanks. (That same procedure goes for anyone who experiences strangeness in the program.)
Zargg - I hear you about the old projects and trying to remember/revisit/rediscover what's in them! One thing I found handy with projectscope is "previewing" an old project first to see if it uses any plug-ins that I don't have installed anymore. Some of my big projects take a long time (okay, just minutes, but it seems like long minutes) to load, and I don't want to wait around for the loading only to get a bunch of squawks from Sonar that it's looking for TimeWorks or Vsampler or something that I long ago "deprecated".
Also, on a lot of old projects, I archived the audio files somewhere else, so I peek at a project in projectscope first, to quickly see if it sees the audio files. If it doesn't, I know I have to go find the archived audio files first before loading the project.
It is easy enough to recreate the problem. The steps are
  1. Create new project
  2. Insert TTS-1 (or any synth) using an instrument track
  3. Save Project
Here is an image of ProjectScope showing a project containing TTS-1 as an instrument track

Edit: fixed in 1.32
Zargg - I hear you about the old projects and trying to remember/revisit/rediscover what's in them! One thing I found handy with projectscope is "previewing" an old project first to see if it uses any plug-ins that I don't have installed anymore. Some of my big projects take a long time (okay, just minutes, but it seems like long minutes) to load, and I don't want to wait around for the loading only to get a bunch of squawks from Sonar that it's looking for TimeWorks or Vsampler or something that I long ago "deprecated".
Also, on a lot of old projects, I archived the audio files somewhere else, so I peek at a project in projectscope first, to quickly see if it sees the audio files. If it doesn't, I know I have to go find the archived audio files first before loading the project.

I don't mind about missing plugins warning. It's one of the things I find most valuable
Projectscope has been updated to version 1.32 (1.32.001 on the About panel), to fix some issues with displaying unnamed tracks. Thank you to member scook for helping troubleshoot this.
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