ProjectScope.exe (a free utility for all Sonar [Windows] users) has been updated. Version 1.3 for those keeping score. Although it has always worked with many versions of Sonar projects (covering the last decade or so up to the present), it now supports newer project features like the project image (the screenshot of the project when last saved, or the image you put into the Notes panel).
The original ProjectScope post is
here so you can read about it there, but in the shell of a nut, ProjectScope shows you many of the resources inside Sonar projects without you having to load the project--so with ProjectScope you can
instantly see what audio files are associated with a project, what the project Notes are, what plug-ins are used, etc.
ProjectScope really shines with its
SEARCH feature. You can find all your Sonar projects that have certain phrases in the Notes, for example, or find all the projects that use a specific audio (WAV) file. helps find CWPs and keeps them organized - updated to "Platinum Edition." When you find the project you were hunting for, double-click and it loads into that unsurpassed and feature-rich DAW we all love to use. (I am referring to Sonar, what DAW did you THINK I meant, hmmm?)
Below are updated screenshots of ProjectScope in action. As always, no installation needed, other than download it and run it. Links are the same:
EXE version and
Zipped EXE version. Hope you can find it useful,
suggestions and comments welcome. (Be warned, though, if you comment, I WILL follow your signature links to listen to your music, so it better be good stuff! )