A couple things...FWIW...
Since I'm no longer with Gibson, I don't know what plans are afoot, if any, to salvage or sell the company but it wouldn't surprise me if there's more going on than meets the eye. I made some specific suggestions regarding selling or licensing Cakewalk IP (old habits die hard). I don't know if those suggestions will be pursued or not, but I tried.
Meanwhile, I love this community and believe it's a great group of people. The servers are still going and the forum still exists. However, I did talk to Dendy Jarrett who manages Harmony Central and alerted him to the fact that this community may or may not be looking for a home, and to please monitor the situation.
I really feel for the Cakewalk employees. Again FWIW, I've been in touch with some companies that are always looking for talent, and given that a lot of talent is now available, I'm hoping that at least some employees may have a better Christmas than Thanksgiving.
There really is no DAW that's like SONAR, so I hope I can continue using it for a while even as I ramp up on Studio One Pro and continue working with Live. But also remember this is kind of a funny industry...sometimes things don't really die, they become absorbed into something else. Fingers crossed.