SONAR can do Projects with up to 400 GB of tapes and vinyl. Recordlength up to 80 hours.
And then splitting 80 hours of tapes into thousends of clips.
SONAR has a very fast handling to split thousends of clips and zoom them in and out with the mousewheel. Also it's very easy to apply the effects to the clips and mark them as "done".
I checked other DAWs the last years, they do this very slower and uncomfortable.
At the moment I try to check Studio One. But at the moment I don't see the possibility to render an effect to its own clip. Even scrolling through hours of audio is not so comfortable. Even zooming in Studio One is not so good, because you can not change the zoom-factor.
The next point is: We need to change 14 computers.
And even if I turn of internet SONAR needs to re-authorize after dynamik changing the IP-Adress in the network.