• Cakewalk Announcement (p.50)
2017/11/22 18:31:33
I feared this ever since the Gibson takeover.  This is very sad because those of us long time users of Cakewalk know what it does and have used other DAW's and realized that bang for the buck it's about the best that you can get.  I also have a Studio One license, which is OK, but it is so severely limited in certain aspects vs. Sonar. Like creating Tempo maps and such, it's  a breeze on Sonar, and a pain trying to do it in Studio One.  Plus Studio One's MIDI implementation is a joke.
I will probably go to Cubase, as I feel it's a more mature product than Studio One, but it's really sad to see this happen.
2017/11/22 18:38:11
I'm gutted :( 
Just heard about this on the UAD (Universal Audio) Forum and had to come here to double check, Like many on here I have been a CW user for years and I have had the benefit of searching this forum to solve all my issues and had some brilliant help from all of you guys and Craig. 
My thoughts are with the employees directly affected by this announcement and would hope that someone(Microsoft???) would step in soon to save this fantastic product from extinction.
My immediate concern now is to ensure that I have the ability to re-Install and authorize Sonar in the event of a PC failure in the future months/years so I can at least re-visit old recordings 
I guess the search for a new DAW should commence and I'll wait to see which Craig recommends and wait for his article in Sound on Sound.

I can't really "recommend" anything, recording software programs are all so different and making music is so personal. Ableton Live is a great program, but it's not sonar. Actually, none of them are sonar. Pro Tools for me is a non-starter, but there are plenty of excellent programs. Samplitude is very deep, but Windows only and this time around, I want something cross platform. Acoustica Mixcraft is also a fine and cost-effective program, with very good video capabilities; it has a demo you can download. Cubase has very deep midi and staff view.

I am seriously looking at Studio One Pro for several reasons. One is the mastering page and being able to do projects, export to duplication, do analytics, etc. I've been using this in parallel with Sonarbfro years. I don't find the song writing process as fluid or complete as sonar, but I will be learning it because it can also do some things that sonar can't do. Reason is a dark horse in all this; it has really matured over the years and is ideal for certain types of users. So really what you need to do is download demos, spend some time, and find out what has the best chemistry for you. For me, that's Studio One Pro for the studio, and Ableton Live for live. But you aren't me and I'm not you so you have to find the program that really works for you. I will definitely miss sonar, big time, but that's the way it goes. Thanks again to a wonderful Community, you haven't just supported Cakewalk, you've supported my efforts as well.
2017/11/22 18:38:36
Yea. This is a shocker.
I have a lifetime contract also but I feel I've already gotten my money's worth.

Hopefully someone really hip will buy Cakewalk from Gibson and keep all the people that have been so helpful on payroll.
2017/11/22 18:39:38
I should've known this would happen as soon as Gibson took over. But I bought the lifetime subscription anyway. DOH!!!
Sure would be nice if all of the add-ons that only work in Sonar could somehow be re-licensed for use in other DAWs.
Anybody know anything about that?
2017/11/22 18:40:00
My sincere condolences to all of you guys at Cakewalk.  My very first DAW software was Sonar Homestudio XL years ago.  Although I haven't been using Sonar Platinum exclusively,  I never saw it coming to an end.  It's been a long and fun ride.  
2017/11/22 18:42:54
michael diemer
It's like a death in the family!


No, it really isn't. Only someone who is emotionally r.e.t.a.r.d.e.d. would actually say or believe that. Reality check: A software product you've enjoyed using extensively over a long period of time will no longer be updated. Deal with it. Try googling: Grief counselors for discontinued computer applications re Opcode Vision et al


Several hundred (and still coming) posts attest to the lack of insight (not to mention compassion) demonstrated in your remark. People's feelings are valid. They are an understandable reaction. Cakewalk is not just software. It is a living, dynamic community of musicians who have shared their hopes, dreams, frustrations and more for many years. I AM a former counselor. You don't invalidate people's feelings like this. You owe them an apology.
2017/11/22 18:45:05
This Mixcraft spam from people with next to no posts is gauche, offputting and unappreciated.
2017/11/22 18:45:20

I can't really "recommend" anything, recording software programs are all so different and making music is so personal. Ableton Live is a great program, but it's not sonar. Actually, none of them are sonar. Pro Tools for me is a non-starter, but there are plenty of excellent programs. Samplitude is very deep, but Windows only and this time around, I want something cross platform. Acoustica Mixcraft is also a fine and cost-effective program, with very good video capabilities; it has a demo you can download. Cubase has very deep midi and staff view.

I am seriously looking at Studio One Pro for several reasons. One is the mastering page and being able to do projects, export to duplication, do analytics, etc. I've been using this in parallel with Sonarbfro years. I don't find the song writing process as fluid or complete as sonar, but I will be learning it because it can also do some things that sonar can't do. Reason is a dark horse in all this; it has really matured over the years and is ideal for certain types of users. So really what you need to do is download demos, spend some time, and find out what has the best chemistry for you. For me, that's Studio One Pro for the studio, and Ableton Live for live. But you aren't me and I'm not you so you have to find the program that really works for you. I will definitely miss sonar, big time, but that's the way it goes. Thanks again to a wonderful Community, you haven't just supported Cakewalk, you've supported my efforts as well.

I can highly recommend Ableton Live for Live performance,  and I really like Studio One 3 Pro.  Both are capable programs,  but I'm surprised you didn't mention Cubase.  I never really gave Steinberg a chance because of the dongle,  but two years ago,  I did,  and I have to say,  I was pleasantly surprised.  Cubase 9.5 Pro is by far my favorite DAW now when it comes to mixing.  There's definitely some things that Sonar has that it doesn't,  but for me personally,  it has everything that I need.  
2017/11/22 18:52:40
I agree.  This is terrible news.   I'm wondering if there's any reason to continue with my cleverbridge subscription.
2017/11/22 18:59:56
Personally I doubt whether Gibson will still be around this time next year. 

We can only hope.
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