• Cakewalk Announcement (p.54)
2017/11/22 21:55:25
Matron Landslide
Just saw at one of the FB Cakewalk groups someone tried to pay there monthly ( 1st year ) via Cleverbridge .. wouldnt accept or allow or take payment ..

If this is the case and persists then people with less than a years payment are going to end up with a dud useless demo software?

That's not surprising considering Cakewalk stopped using Clevebridge some time agao

Well then, if on facebook, go to Cakewalk Sonar User Group (CSUG) .. and in post starting:

"I'm buying Splat on the monthly, but I haven't paid the full year yet..."
A reply from same user is:

"Just tried to make a payment to Cleverbridge, not taking payments..."
Now, unless they themselves used Cleverbridge but actually meant who ever they paying?
2017/11/22 21:57:01
Like so many here i'm personally gutted and thoughts are with the Cakewalk community, devs and the team that gave us such great software for 30 years. I honestly hope that Gibson are hanging their heads in shame.

No other Daw is as good at everything as Cakewalk, i've been looking at videos of the so called market leaders and they are only just now introducing features that have been in sonar for years. Any other DAW will be a step back in time even if it does look pretty.

If anyone is reading these thoughts from the community and has any ability to keep Cakewalk going in whatever guise please, please, please do your best.
2017/11/22 22:06:26
Matron Landslide
I'm a lawyer.  I think there could be a basis for a class action.  

I'm a Psychiatrist. I think there could be a good chance you're delusional.

There would be no claim if people are merely trying to assert damage based on the "lifetime" offering by itself.
If, however, discovery uncovered documentation of corporate knowledge that SPLAT was nearing end of life, yet the powers that be made affirmative efforts to assure everyone that SPLAT was not being discontinued and marketed lifetime licenses, etc., there could be viable claims for fraud in the inducement, unjust enrichment, etc.
So, shrink that.
2017/11/22 22:14:58
Go for it, I enjoy a good laugh
2017/11/22 22:16:54
Matron Landslide
Go for it, I enjoy a good laugh

I'm a comedian, and there is a good chance this isn't funny.
2017/11/22 22:22:27
Oh it's funny alright
2017/11/22 22:24:25
Enjoy your armchair.
2017/11/22 22:25:06
I wonder what will be with the next subscriptions fees? I decided to upgrade from X3 to Platinum last year, several days ago paid the 11th payment and expected that next month I become an owner of the Platinum version... But now I noticed that the cakewalk shop is down so does it mean that the 12th payment will not be charged? And finnally the ownership after 12 months of subscription is cancelled in such situation?

Just saw at one of the FB Cakewalk groups someone tried to pay there monthly ( 1st year ) via Cleverbridge .. wouldnt accept or allow or take payment ..

If this is the case and persists then people with less than a years payment are going to end up with a dud useless demo software?

Yeesh.  You should have read the whole thread.  Sounds like monthly subscribers are getting converted into "lifetime" accounts, with full functionality unlocked.
Cakewalk is apparently doing the right thing.  You guys panicking is not helping things at all.  Never seen more misinformation spread as I have in the last couple days.
2017/11/22 22:27:20
Enjoy your armchair.

It's very commfy here
2017/11/22 22:29:20
The #1 element you need in class action is enough of a possible payout to pay for a lawyer.
How many people are actually in this category of "paid for SPLAT and join the class action"? 
And what are the damages per person?
My guess is that both of these numbers are too low to be worth it.
Just my 2 cents.
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